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3 Ways Singles Can Become The Ultimate Pickup Artist
You can win if you play by the rules. We have some game-changing guidelines for all the singles out there to rock the next night out. Become a master of the pickup artist game.
15 Reasons Why Single Men Are Giving Up On Women
It is no secret that men are dating less and that men are giving up on dating women. Single men are giving up on women and giving up trying to please their unrealistic expectations when it comes to dating.
3 Ways Self-Respecting Women Can Find Unconditional Love
A lot of people struggle with insecurities, not enough money, lack of love, and fear, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. What we want it to push past the shadow of a doubt, and to become our greatest and grandest versions of ourselves. We must do the following things, and more, in order to get a good starting place to become self-respecting women.
14 Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day Single Without An Obligatory Date
The couples holiday Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching on February 14th. While the modern rendition of the holiday is made for couples, there are ways that singles can enjoy Valentine's Day single too.
A Single Ladies Valentine's Day Survival Guide
You may notice that while you are walking down the aisles of the grocery store you can see pink and red balloons, candy hearts, and red roses. Looks like it's almost Valentine's Day! *Shrug* But who really cares, as a single person? Check out our ultimate Valentine's Day survival guide for all the single ladies.
A Guide For How Singles Can Host A Super Bowl LII Party
Singles can host a great Super Bowl LII party themselves or by finding a friend to co-host the party. There are many ways to host a successful Super Bowl party, but these are the seven steps that any party host needs to follow to host a Super Bowl LII party.
5 Ways That Singles Can Watch And Host A Super Bowl LII Party
Super Bowl LII is this upcoming Sunday on February 4. Football is America’s favorite past time and many singles enjoy watching football too. Even if you don’t like football, this is the biggest event of the year and is a great opportunity to hang out with friends or to meet new people.
Why Singles Should Give Up On Romantic Love This Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Modern Valentine’s Day celebrates everything society worships: romantic relationships, erotic love, true love, and finding the one. Those are the four things that modern Valentine’s Day celebrates today.
A Response To Buzzfeed's Single Shaming Quiz
Buzzfeed recently published a video called “How Single Are You?” The video has four different Buzzfeed commentators who take the quiz with the same title. Some of the options that you can check off of on the quiz include “Stop asking me why I am single!", “What if I end up being single forever”, and “What if I become a crazy cat lady?”
Why Single Men Should Enjoy Their Bachelorhood
Single men are being bachelors for a greater period of time compared to their fathers and grandfathers generations. Being a bachelor and bachelorhood are often presented as being a bad time of life and a negative state for single men. That is not the case.
Ciara, Pastor Gray, And The Idolization Of Marriage
The singer Ciara tweeted that her single women fans should #LevelUp and find a husband to marry. Ciara received a backlash for what she said about singles while presenting marriage as the most perfect thing in the world. The pastor's sermon that she shared also highlighted marriage as ultimate goal in life.
5 Signs Of A True Friend And Of Friendship
Friends and friendship are undervalued in a society that is infatuated with romantic love, dating, and marriage. There are many qualities that singles should look for and value in a good friend. A true friend is hard to find, but here are five ways to spot a true friend in your life.
Forget Having A Lover Or A Date This Valentine's Day
Singles everywhere are ditching the nationally recognized holiday in February known as Valentine's Day to relieve themselves of the pressure to find a date. It’s true that advertisements make it look like everybody and their mother has special plans for Valentine's day. You don’t have to feel alone, and you can be single while surviving this terrible lover-centric month.
5 Facts And Statistics Singles Should Know In 2018
Those studies present being single and the single life as bad states to be in and marriage is the only thing that can rescue singles. Recent research, studies, and statistics have found that marriage is no longer that healthy and prosperous institution that people and society thought it was.
Single Is Sexy: You Don't Need A Partner To Be Hot
Be sexy because no partner is needed to feel sexy and to feel good about the person you are today. Remember that people who feel sexy and good about themselves are ultimately more attractive than any person who needs outside validation and who is in a bad relationship.
Cuffing Season Is A Distraction For Singles
We say ‘ugh!’ to cuffing season. Romance is just a black hole filled with terror and doom. Like the famous economist, John Maynard Keynes once said, "In the long run, we are all dead", so if this is the case for us, saving yourself from being in a bad relationship is worth it to have enough time to enjoy your life.
Single Men Are Not Dating Women To Embrace The Single Life
Single men are not dating. They are not asking women out as often compared to the past. While many in the dating, wedding, and marriage industries see this as a problem, single men are breaking free from the pressure to date women to pursue other interests is a valid choice.
5 Easy Meal Prep Ideas For Singles In 2018
You can make healthy meals ahead of time and save yourself from those impulse candy bar purchases we all make when we are super hungry. In addition, meal prepping ensures that what is going into your body has been carefully prepared for you. You will also save a butt-load of money in the process.
Why Singles Need To Focus On Phileo Love
In a world that emphasizes couples and marriage people have forgotten about the other types of love. The emphasis on romance and erotic love in search for The One has influenced people to focus on eros when it comes to relationships. The continual search for the mythical One comes at the expense of your friends.
3 Responses Singles Can Give To Sexting
Life is a crazy journey. It is not going to calm down anytime soon with the pervasiveness of technology and human nature. Smartphones and sexting are part of the world of relationships in the 21st Century and beyond. It is up to you how you want to interact with these types of messages.