The Blog
Why Schools Avoid Teaching Personal Finance
The education system fails to teach essential life skills. Here is why schools avoid teaching personal finance.
What Is Antinatalism?
What is antinatalism? Here is a concise breakdown of the antinatalist's philosophy in the childfree movement.
Beware These 5 Signs Of A One-Sided Friendship
Are you stuck in a negative relationship? Have you thought of ending the relationship? Beware these five sings of a one-sided friendship!
The Problem With New Year's Resolutions
Are you contemplating making a New Year's resolution? Here is the problem with New Year's resolutions. It is best to set goals.
How Being Single Can Save You Money
Are you wondering about the financial benefits of being single? Here is how being single can save you money!
An Introduction To Online Safety For Single Women
This is an introduction to online safety for single women. A problematic outcome of the Internet is cyberstalking for women.
Has Cybersex Replaced Real Sex?
Do you need a sexual partner? Do you need to have sex with a human? Has cybersex replaced real sex? Here is a look at six types of netsex.
5 Reasons For The Growing Lack Of Self-Confidence In Young People
Why are many young people insecure? Here are five reasons for the growing lack of self-confidence in young people.
Debunking The Myth Of The Magical Other
Why does society tell people that there is a soulmate waiting for them? I am debunking the myth of the magical other today.
10 Reasons For Single Men To Avoid Dating Women During The Holiday Season
Do men need to date? Cuffing season is here. Here are ten reasons for single men to avoid dating during the holiday season.
5 Reasons Young People Leave Romantic Relationships Behind
Society wants you to date and marry. Invest in yourself. Here are five reasons young people choose to leave romantic relationships behind.
7 Types Of Self-Investment
People are told to invest in many things, from the stock market to real estate. Self-investment is the best investment. Invest in yourself!
Seven Steps To Give A Proper Handshake
Do you want to learn how to give a handshake correctly? This one-minute read breaks down the seven steps to give a proper handshake.
The Dangers Of The Hive Mind
Do you think you must belong in a group to fit in? It is best to invest in yourself. Here are the dangers of the hive mind.
Chipotle Raises Prices: 3 Simple Burrito Recipes For One
Do you love Chipotle but don't want to pay for a burrito? As Chipotle raises prices, here are three simple burrito recipes of one.
What Is Childfree?
What is childfree? Does everyone want to have kids or raise children? Being childfree is a lifestyle choice.
12 Ways Popular Culture Idealizes Marriage
Society tells you to marry when you are young. You must reproduce. Here are twelve ways popular culture idealizes marriage.
5 Strategies To End A Friendship
Are you on the outs with a friend? Do you want to end the friendship? Here are five strategies to end a friendship.
Singles Do Not Need An Artificially Intelligent Boyfriend Or Girlfriend
Did you know you could have an AI partner? Here are five reasons singles do not need an artificially intelligent boyfriend or girlfriend.
Surprising Reasons I Have Always Been Single And Never Dated
Have you always been single and never dated? Do you feel pressure to date? Here are the surprising reasons I have always been single and never dated.