The Blog
12 Steps To Jumpstart Your Career After High School
How can you get a job after graduating from high school? Here are twelve steps to jumpstart your career after high school!
Why Being Poor Is More Expensive: A Path To Building Wealth
Have you ever considered that being poor is expensive? Here is a look at why being poor is more costly and steps you can take to begin to build wealth.
Understanding Autism: Embracing The Single Journey
Do you struggle to embrace your autism? Autism can make relationships difficult. Aspergers can make it hard to find employment. Here is a look at the single journey for those on the spectrum.
Rediscovering Hope: Beating Despair And Finding Your Way Home
Do you feel hopeless? Do you believe that you can never escape despair? How can you return to the light of hope? Here are nine ways to help beat despair and find your way home to hope.
15 Essential Secrets To Skyrocket Your Confidence As A Single
Do you struggle with low self-esteem? Having self-confidence plays a critical role in your happiness and success. Here are fifteen essential secrets to skyrocket your confidence as a single!
Unleashing Strength: 5 Epic Ways Adversity Empowers You!
Are you a dopamine addict? Discover five epic ways adversity empowers you to unleash strength.
Exposing Political Escapism: False Saviors, Dependency, And Disempowerment
How does political escapism negatively impact your life? Looking to politicians for solutions makes them false saviors, which creates dependency and disempowerment.
The Sinister Truth Behind The News: Fear, Time Theft, And Narrative Control
The news runs 24/7/365 days a year. The news steals valuable time, makes you live in fear, and reduces problems to a false dilemma.
The Connection Between Minimalism, Frugality, And Building Wealth
How do minimalism and frugality connect to wealth-building? Discover how living a minimalist and frugal lifestyle can help you build wealth.
Finding Time To Exercise When You Work 60+ Hours A Week
Do you work multiple jobs? Are you unable to fit exercise into your schedule? Here are ten tips to help you find time to exercise when you work 60+ hours a week.
The Realist's Path To Success: Why Seeing Things Clearly Is Key
How does being a realist help you on your journey to success? Seeing things clearly is critical for prosperity. Here is why a realistic mindset plays a crucial role in personal success.
7 Simple Ways To Stand Out Among Your Peers
Do you want to differentiate yourself from the crowd? Dare to take the path less trodden. Here are seven simple ways to stand out in society today.
4 Quick Tricks To Escape Social Media Addiction
Are you addicted to social media? Do you crave another dopamine hit from scrolling on your favorite social media platform? Here is how you can regain control of your life!
Successful Singles: Revealing The Hidden Secrets Of Prosperity
Do you want to be successful? Here are the hidden secrets of successful singles revealing how to attain prosperity!
Anti-Politics And Self-Development: The Shocking Link Explained
How does anti-politics lead to self-development? Learn about the shocking link between how not participating in politics leads to a focus on self-development.
The Shocking Truth About How Self-Sabotage Destroys Your Life
Self-sabotage is a common problem. Often, we are our own worst enemies. Here is how self-sabotage destroys your life and what you can do about it.
7 Easy Tips To Find Your True Self
Do you know yourself? Or do you find yourself easily influenced by others and society? Here are seven easy tips for discovering your true self.
25 Side Hustles To Make Extra Money
Are you looking to leave your job, increase your income, or start a side hustle with the goal of turning it into a business? Here are 25 side hustles to make extra money!
Defeat Laziness: 5 Life-Changing Ways To Get Things Done
Do you constantly find yourself procrastinating? Are you always choosing to be lazy rather than diligent? Discover five life-changing ways to get things done and defeat laziness!
Stop Obsessing Over Someone: Transform Your Life
Obsessing over someone or something can be unhealthy and unproductive. Redirecting your focus to a more constructive task or activity can help you break free from this cycle.